Chiken nuggit
Chiken nuggit

chiken nuggit

Vengeful Vending Machine: In one short, Cheezborger tries to get a drink from a vending machine, only for it to get stuck.Surprise Creepy: Usually happens whenever Iscream is around.Summoning Ritual: Fwench Fwy draws smiley faces and rainbows all over Iscream's pentagram, which is normally used to summon demons, causing it to summon huggy teddy bears and bunnies instead.Sody Pop also explodes himself after Chee asks where his name came from, after taking a bath, when he gets an allergic reaction to pollen, and when he finally catches his tail after chasing it around in circles. Stuff Blowing Up: Sody Pop, in his first appearance, kicks Chikn, causing him to explode.It makes one wonder, given how harmless they actually are to each other, if Iscream and Fwench Fwy weren't more cartoonishly- Vitriolic Best Buds All Along than actual enemies. Slap-Slap-Kiss: Their conflicts are quite silly and thankfully never actually get physical, but one of Iscream and Fwench Fwy's arguments spontaneously turns into a clearly very mutual makeout session, much to Chikn's confusion.Cofi becomes this for Iscream after they start dating Fwench Fwy, the sheep actively interrupting the bunny's activities (digging up graves, collecting sacrifices for blood rituals, etc.), sometimes with seemingly no effort on her part.This would eventually lead to the two of them dating each other. Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Iscream and Fwench Fwy frequently have petty arguments as well as insult and prank each other, but they never get too serious.Shout-Out: "HE IS WATCHING" has Sody Pop climb on the ceiling of Iscream's room before pulling an Exorcist Head, a clear reference to Trainspotting.Ridiculously Cute Critter: Chikn Nuggit stars a whole dang cast of 'em, not the least of which being the eponymous Chikn Nuggit himself.When Hawt Saus asks them flat-out who the male and female are in their relationship, they both give non-answers. Both are stated in their bios to be genderless and are referred to using they/them pronouns. No Biological Sex: Two characters, Iscream and Fwench Fwy, are probably somewhere between this and Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous.Mutual Envy: In one short, Cheezborger wishes she was tall and cool like Slushi, while Slushi wishes she was little and cute like Cheezborger.Later videos had him "be clear" (which turned everything but his organs transparent) and state that he "needs space" (which caused him and Cheezborger to instantly teleport to space). Literal Metaphor: Chikn Nuggit is fond of these: the first video showing him interacting with Cheezborger had him state he wanted to "belong", causing his neck to grow until his head was in space (i.e.I'm Melting!: In one short, Sody Pop immediately stuffs some scalding food into his mouth as soon as it's served, resulting in his face melting off.Given that the dog is revealed to be Cofi ( somehow), there might be elements of Paper-Thin Disguise here. A later video has a human woman ask Iscream to watch her seemingly non-sapient dog, despite Chikn Nuggit (a Funny Animal dog) being the main character.

chiken nuggit

Furry Confusion: Cofi the sheep is anthropomorphic like the other characters, but her debut episode also featured regular (albeit pink) sheep that stand on four legs.Frivolous Summoning: One short has Iscream summon a demon so it can give them scritchies.They make increasingly disturbing faces at the viewer, until the tension is undermined by an adorable sneeze. The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Parodied in one short with Iscream.

chiken nuggit

Chikn Nuggit plays a fart sound on his mobile phone, to which (the presumably older) Slushi struggles to retain her laughter.

  • Fleeting Demographic: Discussed in one short, where Sody Pop claims that he's too old to find fart jokes funny.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: After Iscream offers Sody Pop and Cofi some Deadly Reaper Hot Chips in one short, the both of them belch out flames that burn the unwitting bunny's head to a crisp.
  • Yet another one has them Shaking the Rump at the camera after telling Chikn Nuggit their favorite type of fries are steak fries, because they are "thicc" like said fries.
  • invoked Another short has Fwench Fwy invoke Evil Is Sexy by turning into a Darker and Edgier version of themself and act suggestively flirty with Iscream, complete with Sexophone.
  • The Beach Episode has Fwench Fwy showing off their "thiccness" in a one-piece swimsuit.
  • Fanservice: A Running Gag concerning Fwench Fwy, mostly Played for Laughs:.
  • Extreme Close-Up: Used to demonstrate why people close their eyes when they kiss, as seen from the perspective of Fwench Fwy and Iscream.

  • Chiken nuggit