He dubs himself after Lethe, a river that upon touching makes you forget everything.Īyo this is in re-writing because I took a long break from it so uhhh yeah. Tommy falls into a cave with no exit, he's very injured and thinks he's some Greek mythology hero from the few he remembers after the fall. Needless to say, that when he fell in that darn cave, he was at the mercy of the creeper. His only protection against everything that was going down was a simple red and white shirt, that looked more like a shredded potato sack more than anything and a pair of pajama pants because he was caught off guard while asleep. He had no idea where he was stepping except from the pain he felt in his bare feet, whenever it was something sharp. Tommy was being chased down further in the dark oak tree forest, known for it's low visibility, he couldn't see shit. Maybe this is all a fever dream cause like he had an infection.Technically major character death but he doesn't really die?.Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF).Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF).Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF).Awkward Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF).TommyInnit Nearly Dies (Video Blogging RPF).

Injured TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF).Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings.Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death.GoggleHead Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Tubbo has an unhealthy coping mechanism involving creepers and doesn’t want to worry his friend Language: English Words: 5,497 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 10 Kudos: 425 Bookmarks: 24 Hits: 3840 *Well it doesn’t matter now because I’m in a hole in the ground* he told himself cause baby grab your pick,shavol and bolt again. Genre Hip-hop & Rap Comment by ThexSlasher. The pain he feels almost seems to take his mind away from all of the stress. This song was made by CaptinSparklez, And the name of the song is Creeper Aw Man. Shop creeper aw man stickers created by independent artists from around the globe. Post-Manberg-Pogtopia War on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF).1-Click Copy-Paste Creeper aw man Roblox Song ID Copy to clipboard ' Creeper aw man was ranked 37074 in our total library of 70.000+ Roblox ID. Rape)Get SchwifftyQuieresCreeper Aw ManCaptain Sparklez - RevengeScatman. Agenda: Check-in 10-Year Plans: Budget & Career, College Research, High School Planning HW: Last week of reading journals RJ 18.1-18.4 due Friday. Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) You can copy-paste the Roblox ID below to send it to friends or hear it yourself. SongLegitnessLebron JamesYeah BoyyyBill Nye The Science Guy Theme SongWhy.So we did the creeper aw man thingy myself ay Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) TIDAL is the first global music streaming service with high fidelity sound, hi-def video quality, along with expertly curated playlists and original content. the real question is who says “creeper” and who says “aw man”- ella kaede & miu lovemail July 25, 2019 Stop asking whos the guy/girl in the relationship. Here is me and my friends' attempt at revenge / creeper aw man /cxFUGnzMfJ- alex ☂️ July 24, 2019 Therapist: aw man- olvier ⚡ July 24, 2019 Therapist: and what do we say when we feel like this?